Call rates

Enjoy a rate that lets you make phone calls in your own time at the best price.

  • Mobiles


  • Landline


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speak more for much less

netelip pay as you go

Talk has never been so cheap. No fixed term or service charges. Only pay for the time you talk. Also, your netelip credit does not expire, so you can use it as you need.

Make phone calls to landlines, mobiles, national or international call numbers with netelip at a very low price. Get to know all the advantages of IP telephony; call with the best prices in the market. No connection charge!

To everywhere

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Click here or on the tab "International rates" to filter by international destinations.

Destination Connect charge Price
Between netelip users 0.00€ FREE

*Tax not included (21%). **Billings per seconds. ** Valid prices except typographical error. The published prices may suffer updates that should always be consulted through the user web panel.